December 27, 2021
Dear Valued Team members, suppliers, customers and all other stakeholders,
The recent Omicron surge has put unprecedented strains on the supply chain and human resource capacity for the US and world economies. Century unfortunately has not been spared the effects of this most virulent and volatile situation.
Century has established three objectives in its response plan to Omicron. They are as follows and in order:
- Employee safety and security
- Customer satisfaction
- Revenue Generation
Century is committed, as always, to making the safety and security of its employees its top priority. Our employees remain the life blood of the company and enable Century to provide our customers with the first rate service that is our trademark.
As a direct result of the current high level of absentee and positivity rates, effective IMMEDIATELY all Century offices and warehouses will be upgraded to RED Protocol. The details on Century’s protocols can be found on our website under company information/branch locations.
Condition RED will remain in place until January 10, 2022 when it will be re-evaluated and reviewed based on current conditions at that time.
Management would like to express its deep gratitude to all the healthcare, law enforcement, fire department and forward facing employees of all the organizations that have enabled us to work and endure throughout the pandemic.

TO: Century’s Employees, Customers and Suppliers
November 19, 2020
Updated COVID-19 Posture
Dear Valued Employees, Customers and Suppliers:
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Century has endeavored to be at the forefront of what we consider the “best in class” business protocols to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include protocols set forth by the CDC, federal, state and local guidelines. We began our risk mitigation in mid-January 2020. Our objectives then were, and remains now; (1) to provide a safe and secure workplace for our employees and (2) to adapt to the threat of COVID-19 as it evolved. At each inflection point of the virus, we took early, decisive and aggressive action. We intend to remain on that course. Despite the welcome prospect of vaccines and effective therapeutics soon to be widely available, going into the holiday season and the winter months we anticipate significant short term risks that must be addressed. We intend to provide a low risk “bridge” to the time where the treatments and vaccine’s become widely available in North America.
Since January, Century has had 26 “COVID” events resulting from indirect or direct exposure to the virus at one of our locations, or at customer locations where Century had onsite employees. In many of these cases, we have had to close facilities for one or multiple days. Our COVID task force has timely and effectively responded in all cases by providing thoughtful, consistent and transparent responses to each situation.
While we hope for the best, we nevertheless expect that these events will increase over the upcoming winter, and that the timing and the velocity of such events could be difficult to control. In light of that possible scenario, we have taken steps that will make it easier for our employees, customers and suppliers to ascertain the COVID “status” of any Century office or shipping location. Our intent is to provide communication and transparency at all levels of the organization, and to Century’s valued business partners. With that in mind we are taking the following steps: (1) adoption of easier and more defined internal protocol status, including a color coded warning system to reflect incidents and evaluated risk at any location, and (2) establishment of a public page on Century’s website that identifies real time status of all Century offices and shipping locations. That status will display whether a COVID incident has been reported, status of Century’s response, and whether or not the location is open or closed as a result.
This crisis has brought out the best in our organization, at all levels. The dedication and esprit de corps has been second to none. It is this dedication that will enable us to emerge from this phase of the crisis, intact and with the ability to grow and prosper in the coming manufacturing renaissance in North America.
We give thanks and gratitude to all our team members and business partners without whom we would not exist.

TO: Century’s Customers and Suppliers
May 20, 2020
Dear Valued Customers and Suppliers
As specified by the Under Secretary of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security of the United States, Century Fasteners Corp. is part of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), which has been defined as a Critical Infrastructure Sector. With this designation, Century is required to remain open and operating per our normal work schedule. Century supplies vital parts to the Military, Agriculture, Medical and Aerospace Industries. In addition, we are a direct supplier to the U.S. Government.
Our corporate COVID-19 Response Team began work in January, 2020 on strategies and protocols which provide for the safety of Century’s workforce while continuing to support our customers. These strategies have evolved as new data became available and they continue to evolve as we monitor U.S. and world events each and every day. Our current protocols include, but are not limited to, masks, hand sanitizing, regular workstation cleaning, temperature monitoring, altered workflow to maintain social distancing, and working remotely for the majority of our office employees. We believe that our network of distribution centers in the U.S. is well-positioned to adapt to the changing conditions and to maintain the flow of material to our customers.
We will work closely with you on any changes in material requirements. At this time, we are operating at full capacity and we have experienced no disruptions in our supply base that will impact our ability to obtain products.
We look forward to hearing from you on any specific challenges that we can help you address.
To keep up-to-date with the latest information on the Coronavirus COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, click on the link to visit their website. Click Here
We thank you for your interest in Century’s products and services.


TO: Century’s Customers and Suppliers
March 31, 2020
Dear Valued Customers,
As specified by the Under Secretary of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security of the United States, Century Fasteners Corp. is part of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), which has been defined as a Critical Infrastructure Sector. With this designation, Century is required to remain open and operating per our normal work schedule. Century Fasteners supplies vital parts to the Military, Agriculture, Medical and Aerospace Industries. In addition, we are a direct supplier to the U.S. Government.
Our corporate COVID-19 Response Team began work in January, 2020 on strategies and protocols which provide for the safety of Century’s workforce while continuing to support our defense and healthcare customers. We believe that our network of distribution centers in the U.S. is well-positioned to adapt to the changing conditions and to maintain the flow of material to our customers. For example, we performed a thorough sanitization of two of our largest distribution centers this week and have altered the workflow to restrict movement so that only limited areas will require additional sanitization if a warehouse employee contracts the virus.
We will work closely with you on any changes in your material requirements. At this time, we have experienced no disruptions in our supply base that will impact our ability to obtain products.
We look forward to hearing from you on any specific challenges that we can help you address.

REV.C (03-31-20)
TO: Century’s Customers and Suppliers
March 10, 2020
As you know, the Coronavirus COVID-19 is a concern for many businesses with global supply chains. Century has implemented a program to protect the health of our employees and to ensure that we are able to provide an uninterrupted supply of material to our customers.
We have established a communication and verification process with all suppliers to identify possible disruptions in their ability to provide products to Century. As of March 10, 2020, we anticipate minimal or no impact on our ability to obtain material.
To protect Century’s employees, we have banned non-essential air travel, implemented hygiene and cleaning protocols for all persons entering our locations, and increased cleaning and disinfecting of workspaces and common areas. Our business continuity plan includes new equipment and processes to support remote work by essential employees.
We will post updates on this page as we pursue an ongoing assessment of the situation.
To keep up-to-date with the latest information on the Coronavirus COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, click on the link to visit their website. Click Here
We thank you for your interest in Century’s products and services.


TO: Century’s Customers and Suppliers
February 4, 2020
As you know, the Coronavirus is a concern for many businesses with global supply chains. Century has implemented a program to protect the health of our employees and to ensure that we are able to provide material to our customers.
We are conducting a thorough review of our supply chain to identify suppliers who could experience a disruption in their ability to provide material to Century. Initial analyses show that we are likely to experience minimal or no impact on our ability to obtain material. We will post updates on this page as we pursue an ongoing assessment of the situation.
We thank you for your interest in Century’s products and services.

Keep up-to-date with the latest CDC information on the Coronavirus. Click here…